Sunday, January 1, 2012

I Guess New Year's Day is Magical

2012, Now What?

I never make resolutions. The old definition of a resolution as a to-do list for the first week of January definitely applies to me.

You could call me an emergence sort of person. I have to do something for a while before I know how I’m going to do it, and even then I keep on adjusting my methods. I also have ADD and Senior Moments. I take a lot of notes and read them over.

Okay, I guess I can resolve to read slowly, concentrate hard, and do whatever it takes to absorb the information.

I interrupt this blog post for breaking news

I was listening to Descendancy Research Lesson 3 on and the instructor, Tim Bingaman, mentioned so I went there and clicked on birth records and I think I’ve found a long-lost cousin twice removed, or second cousin or whatever, named Hughbert Creighton Craig.

My great-grandfather was John Creighton Craig, known as “Honest John.” He was a handsome Irishman and a leading citizen of Beaumont, Texas. Here’s his picture, given to me by a wonderful librarian in Beaumont in 1996.

I have a handwritten note he signed that says something about a steamboat. He may have won it in a poker game. I'll get back to you when I figure it out.


1 comment:

  1. >I have to do something for a while before I know how I’m going to do it, and even then I keep on adjusting my methods. <

    That is the only way anyone gets good at anything.
